Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Question of Eligibility: A Law Enforcement Investigation into Barack Obama's Birth Certificate and His Eligibility to be President (Kindle Edition)

A Question of Eligibility: A Law Enforcement Investigation into Barack Obama's Birth Certificate and His Eligibility to be President (Kindle Edition)

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Product Description

“A Question of Eligibility” takes an in-depth demeanour during a Arpaio Report and either President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is authentic or a forgery, and therefore either or not he is authorised to offer as a President of a United States of America. In a investigation, a President’s long-form birth certificate expelled by a White House is dissected square by piece, as good as President Obama’s birth registration and Selective Service Card. Includes an introduction by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #12465 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-02-29
  • Released on: 2012-02-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook
  • Number of items: 1

A Question of Eligibility: A Law Enforcement Investigation into Barack Obama's Birth Certificate and His Eligibility to be President (Kindle Edition)

Customer Reviews

Most useful patron reviews

38 of 51 people found a following hearing helpful.
1Where's a investigation?

By Kevin Davidson

My initial doubt as we started reading "A Question of Eligibility: A Law Enforcement Investigation into Barack Obama's Birth Certificate and His Eligibility to be President" by Jerome Corsi (and maybe Mike Zullo) was either or not any member of law coercion was endangered in a investigation. The book describes a lead investigator, Mike Zullo, as "Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, Chief Investigator, MSCO Cold Case Posse" that competence lead someone to cruise that Mr. Zullo binds a law coercion position with Maricopa County, though that would be wrong. The Cold Case Posse is a organisation of volunteers, not County employees. Published sources news Mr. Zullo as a "retired questioner from New Jersey" though nowhere in a book does it contend either he was a military questioner or private questioner or that he is a questioner during all. One would design a book about an examination to pronounce about a people who participated in a investigation, their certification and their credentials, though that's totally blank in this book. All we have are a dual names of this book's authors. In an interview, Sheriff Joe Arpaio states that probably no income from a County was spent on a investigation, that means that zero of his paid law coercion staff worked on it.

My second doubt was either there was any investigation. The State of Hawaii, during that Sheriff Arpaio points a finger of suspicion, told reporters that no one from a Cold Case Posse had even talked to them. Further several commenters have forked out that many of a "investigation" in a book comes from previously-published works by WorldNetDaily's contributor Jerome Corsi. Atlanta profession Loren Collins has published a corresponding comparison of Chapters 1 and 2 of this book and Jerome Corsi's book created before a investigation, Where's a Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President display large chunks of calm copied word for word. The apart striking research expelled by a Sheriff's Office was created by Mara Zebest, who was essay articles for WorldNetDaily claiming that a birth certificate was a rascal prolonged before this investigation. Even a videos were narrated by a far-right pronounce uncover horde named Mark Gillar who has given substantial time to members of a "Birther movement" on his show. And of course, a book was published one day BEFORE a formula of a "investigation" were announced. we can't assistance though consternation if a "6-month investigation" ever happened, or if a 6 months were spent in sharp video prolongation and instrumentation of calm from Corsi and WorldNetDaily for this book.

The tangible grounds of a book is right out of a swindling speculation thriller. In sequence for this book's conclusions to be loyal a lot of people have to be in on a swindling including dual State of Hawaii administrations, one Republican and one Democratic (including dual governors, dual Department of Health Directors, and one Director of Vital Statistics), a White House, a US Selective Service System underneath President George W. Bush and NBC News Correspondent Savannah Guthrie who pronounced she saw, felt and photographed a paper birth certificate that a book says doesn't exist.

The initial vital territory of a book deals with a President's long-form birth certificate. The book doesn't make a explain that was finished during a Maricopa County press discussion that "forensic ask examiners" had vetted a research of a certificate. Nowhere do we find a names of any of these in a book. Indeed WorldNetDaily's possess contributor Aaron Klein settled on his WABC radio uncover that they consecrated 3 credentialed ask examiners to demeanour during a certificate and that NONE of them found justification of fraud. WorldNetDaily has not published any of these reports. One of a examiners, Ivan Zatkovich, published his news himself display no end of forgery. In further another remarkable graphics detective, Dr. Neal Krawetz, also examined a ask and found no justification of fraud. So given didn't a Cold Case Posse pronounce to these 4 experts, and given didn't they embody a 3 reports that WorldNetDaily itself commissioned? A proffer computer-savvy regressive spent 3 months examining a same issues lifted here, ensuing in a excellent book that fundamentally covers all of a birth certificate issues investigated. we reviewed Is Barack Obama's Birth Certificate a Fraud?: A Computer Guy Examines The Evidence For Forgery when it came out, and it is distant higher to this one. It concludes that there's no justification of forgery (just as a 4 veteran examiners did).

This isn't a suitable place for a point-by-point hearing of a graphics methodology, though we will prove out one some-more vital thing blank from a book and that is a difference "Quartz PDFContext." That is a Apple mechanism program used by a White House in formulating a birth certificate they released. It appears from a accessible videos that a Cold Case Posse never attempted to use a same program as a White House in their experiments -- that of march creates them worthless. Listening to Zullo one competence cruise that "optimization" and "OCR" were one thing finished one approach in all systems and software, that anyone who knows about graphics would cruise nonsense. When they ran their experiment, they didn't even start with a genuine birth certificate.

A second vital grounds of a book is that Barack Obama's Selective Service System registration is faked. Remarkably, there's not one word about where a presumably feign registration label they examined came from. we do not know if they usually found it on a Internet or got it from some central source. It was claimed on a Internet that someone named Stephen Coffman achieved a form by a Freedom of Information Act ask in Oct of 2008. The ask was positively on a Internet by November. The stress of that date is that a response came from a George W. Bush administration, not Barack Obama. Why would Bush feign a ask for Obama? This hugely poignant fact seems like a vital slip in a book. Maybe Corsi and Zullo didn't even know where a picture came from. Did they interpretation rascal formed on partial of a date stamp not display on a ask they usually found on a Internet? An tangible law coercion examination would be endangered with a sequence of control of such a document, where it came from and who rubbed it.

The subsequent territory deals with Obama's social-security number. One would cruise that genuine law coercion could simply check a social-security number, though instead they usually recounted a story from a private questioner who looked during open information, prolonged before a Cold Case Posse got involved. The matter that Barack Obama uses a social-security series expelled to a chairman innate in 1890 is plainly absurd to anyone, like myself, who has ever had to straighten a SSN mismatch with a IRS.

The final territory is a rather stupid hunt in a inhabitant repository for annals of general flights to Honolulu, presumably achieved by Jerome Corsi (not law enforcement). we contend that it is stupid given if Obama had been innate in Kenya as swindling theorists like to say, a returning moody would have been by Los Angeles, and so a leg to Honolulu wouldn't have been an general moody in a initial place and no INS record would have been filled out. The 3 pages of this territory might be a usually thing "new" in a book.

So in conclusion, we can't tell from a book either any member of law coercion participated or either there was any examination during all and either anyone worked on a plan who didn't come into it fully-wedded to a swindling theories about President Obama. Sheriff Joe Arpaio got some broadside and maybe some payback for a Obama administration's accusations of autochthonous secular profiling in his office, and Mr. Zullo gets a separate of a increase from a sale of a "sensational" book.

All we can supplement is unless you're finished of some flattering clever stuff, we will be dumber for carrying examination this book.

4 of 5 people found a following hearing helpful.
1Sloppy, steady and factually inaccurate

By A. Wood

My hearing and opinion, after reading this "book" front to back, is that there is NOTHING in this small pamphlet that was not reported by Sheriff Arpaio in Sheriff Arpaio's press conference. There were so many typos, left out words, wrong difference used (e.g., "files" instead of "flights"), a same information steady over and over (I suspect to "lengthen" a book and given it was information that enclosed Sheriff Arpaio, we theory it was to chuck a "law enforcement" label in Obama's face repeatedly), that it was tough to trust this was created by an author with several books on a NYT's Best Seller list. It was a labyrinth re-hash of a Sheriff's examination report. He also says a investigators have persons (plural)of seductiveness with honour to who feign these documents. Sheriff Arpaio pronounced chairman (singular) of interest. What purpose did exaggerating this information serve? Also, Michael Zullo is named as co-author, though Zullo is quoted several times in this booklet. we never listened of an author quoting himself. There was zero in this pamphlet to prove that Zullo had anything to do with authoring it. If he did, given would he not pronounce in a initial person, rather than examination to something as stupid as quoting himself? Corsi used Zullo for his name and Zullo's connection with a examination simply as another "law enforcement" poke during Obama. Corsi apparently wrote this pamphlet himself and a miss of modifying and proofreading reveals his insane rush to publish, to get it out underneath his name before anyone else could get out a book on a investigation, given he wanted to ride his nose during Obama for what Obama did to him final year - producing a "new and improved" feign birth certificate (the initial feign was posted on Obama's website during a 2008 debate and fast proven a feign and fast withdrawn) 3 weeks before Corsi expelled his book, "Where's a Birth Certificate," causing Corsi's credit to be questioned in a eyes of a public. Corsi wanted to be out in front in edition a formula of Arpaio's examination to make certain Obama accepted this was payback time. we paid $9.99 for what we suspicion was going to be a comprehensive, play by play account of a Cold Case Posse's examination - an discernment into a downright efforts put into this plan - and all we got was a few pages of half-baked, amatuerish, hardly lettered rehashing of Sheriff Arpaio's press discussion that reads some-more like a ramblings of an aged drunk, and is not remotely same to a critical book. we wish my income back, Corsi. This "book" is crap. The credit of a justification is complete due to a examination being conducted by Sheriff Arpaio (who is widely respected). Corsi is apparently so unfortunate to revive his possess veteran credit that he felt he had to couple his name to a examination in some way, e.g., by Michael Zullo, in sequence to recover it. This, in further to a nose thumbing he wanted to give Obama. He should have stayed divided from this examination and let a open make a possess organisation between his 2011 published examination and Sheriff's Arpaio's investigation. This "book" is such a square of crap as to be diverting on all levels. Corsi's bulletin is all too transparent. we wish in a weeks and months to come that his attempts to inject himself into this examination will not outcome in undermining a investigation, a justification or a credit of a over 3,000 honest investigators, attorneys and researchers who make adult a Cold Case Posse. we wish my income back, Corsi!

29 of 46 people found a following hearing helpful.
1Intelligence is Lacking

By C. L. Turner

It seems a birthers are still perplexing to remonstrate a universe of a Presidents ineligibility. After reading it, we am some-more certain that a whole transformation is in critical need of facts. It seems that they do not know a Constitution or any of a rulings that overwhelmed on citizenship. we suggest that this book never gets purchased again and all remaining copies get sent to a novella territory of a library.

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